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Drupal CMS

Preview the new default download of Drupal. Drupal CMS is a fast-moving open source product that will enable site builders without Drupal experience to easily create a new Drupal site and extend it with pre-packaged recipes, all using their browser. Drupal CMS is being built by the Starshot initiative.

Contributing to Drupal CMS

With the cloud development environment provided by Drupal Forge, you can help build Drupal CMS. For ongoing contribution, choose the developer launch. It takes longer than the express launch to start up, but you can restart it after it expires.

  1. Review the Drupal CMS issue queue. Find or create an issue for your contribution.
  2. Create or get push access to the issue fork.
  3. Open a terminal in the cloud dev environment and run the following commands:

    cd /var/www/html/repos/drupal/drupal_cms
    git remote add -t <issue_branch> drupal_cms-<issue_number> https://<drupal.org_username>:<personal_access_token><issue_number>.git

    It is best practice to generate a personal access token rather than use your password for <personal_access_token>.

  4. Check out the branch for your issue:

    git checkout -b <issue_branch>
  5. When you have committed your work, update the branch and push your changes:

    git pull --rebase
    git push

Contributing to other projects

  1. Clone project repositories in the repos directory. To avoid project name collisions, use subdirectories to separate projects from different sources.
  2. Either symlink project files to where they are needed or add them to composer.json.
For Site Builders

Fully functional application.

Yours for 6 hours. Deletes automatically.

Shareable URL. Collaborate with others.

No registration required.

Completely free.


For Developers

Application + cloud dev environment.

For 6+ hours. Can be extended.

Pause, return, unpause, develop, collaborate.

Registration required.

Completely free.
